Chris Brown
Sequestered away at The Post Office on Wolfe Island, Chris Brown is the owner and proprietor of Wolfe Island Records. Chris was one of the primary singers and songwriters for the alt rock band the Bourbon Tabernacle Choir. Sound familiar? Yep. He and Jason were bandmates then and continue to work and record together. In fact, these transplanted Brooklynites are now Wolfe Island neighbours who run studios side by side.
You’re best to check out the Wolfe Island Records site as a source that might do justice to Chris’s biography and background. Most notably, Chris did a stint with the Barenaked Ladies in 1998 filling in for Kevin Hearn while Hearn battled leukemia. He continues to work with a number of Brooklyn artists, including his long-time friend and collaborator, Kate Fenner.
He is also a social justice activist and the founder of the Pros and Cons Program bringing recording arts to prisons and creating musical works for charities. Last, but certainly not least, Chris is the ‘owner-operator’ of Wolfe Island Records, a collective for the many artists he produces and collaborates with, a collective that now includes … me. Chris plays piano and hammond B3 on Polishing Stone.